- Программирование; Windows Process Environment Block блок переменных окружения процесса
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
peb — peb·bled; peb·bler; peb·bly; peb·ble; peb·ri·nous; … English syllables
PEB — steht für: Post Exposure Bake, ein nach der Belichtung, aber vor dem Entwickeln durchgeführter Backprozess zur Härtung von Fotolacken, siehe zum Beispiel SU 8 Cisplatin, Etoposid, Bleomycin, eine Wirkstoffkombination dreier Zytostatika zur… … Deutsch Wikipedia
peb — vb., præt. af pibe, III … Dansk ordbog
PEB — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
peb — /pɛb/ (say peb) noun Obsolete Colloquial a rough young man; larrikin: pebs and their donahs, arm in arm. {shortened from of pebble} …
PEB Steel — Type Private Company Industry Construction, Manufacturing Founded 1994 … Wikipedia
peb´ble|like´ — peb|ble «PEHB uhl», noun, verb, bled, bling. –n. 1. a small stone, usually worn smooth and rounded, especially by being rolled about by water or by glacial action: »to wake a person by throwing pebbles at his window. So wears the paving pebble in … Useful english dictionary
peb|ble — «PEHB uhl», noun, verb, bled, bling. –n. 1. a small stone, usually worn smooth and rounded, especially by being rolled about by water or by glacial action: »to wake a person by throwing pebbles at his window. So wears the paving pebble in the… … Useful english dictionary
peb|ble|dash — «PEHB uhl DASH», noun. mortar with pebbles incorporated into it, used for surfacing or finishing walls or buildings; stucco … Useful english dictionary
peb|bled — «PEHB uhld», adjective. abounding in pebbles; pebbly: »the pebbled shore (Shakespeare) … Useful english dictionary
peb|bly — «PEHB lee», adjective, bli|er, bli|est. 1. having many pebbles; covered with pebbles: »The pebbly beach hurt our bare feet. 2. Figurative. rough; scratchy: »a pebbly voice … Useful english dictionary